This is the best, easy and silkiest chocolate brownie frosting recipe. You will never get any store bought frosting once you try this recipe.

I am sure all of the ingredients required in this brownie frosting recipe are available in your pantry right now. Just grab them, mix it together and take your brownies to the next level.

I always use this brownie frosting recipe on my favorite chocolate brownies made with cocoa powder.

What is brownie frosting?

Brownie frosting is sweet, fudgy, chocolate icing which you can use over your favorite brownie recipe. It definitely adds additional chocolate flavor and richness, making the brownies even more delicious.

Why this is the best chocolate brownies frosting recipe?

  1. Uses just 5 ingredient (easily available in your pantry).
  2. Comes together in just 3 minutes.
  3. Can be made ahead of time.
  4. Fudgy, rich and decadent chocolate brownie frosting ever.
  5. One bowl recipe.

Chocolate brownies frosting recipe – ingredients

brownie frosting ingredients like cocoa powder, icing sugar, unsalted butter, milk and salt are placed on marble surface
Brownie Frosting Recipe Ingredients

Unsalted Butter: Adds richness and smoothness to the frosting. If you are using regular salt then skip out the salt from the recipe.

Cocoa powder: Provides the chocolate flavor and richness.

Powdered sugar: Sweetens and thickens the frosting. Milk or cream: Helps achieve the desired consistency and creaminess.

Milk: Helps in consistency of frosting. I have used this frosting many times and have used 2 tablespoons of milk every single time. If your frosting is thick you can add little bit.morenand mix again

Salt: Balances the sweetness and enhances the overall flavor. DO NOT SKIP otherwise this brownie frosting will be too sweet and you definitely don’t want that. Do you?

Optional: Chopped nuts, sprinkles, or chocolate chips for added texture and decoration.

Tools required to make this brownie frosting recipe

  1. Microwave safe glass bowl
  2. Spatula
  3. Whisk
  4. Weighing scale

Step by step recipe to make this delicious and fudgy brownie frosting recipe

  1. In a large microwavable safe bowl, add unsalted butter.
  2. Melt the butter in microwave with 10 seconds interval at a time until fully melted.
  1. Sift in cocoa powder. I always sift coco powder to remove any lumps from it may have.
  2. Now add icing sugar and sift it to remove any lumps. This will make the mixing process easy.
  1. Start mixing using whisk.
  2. Add a tablespoon of milk and mix again. Repeat this until you get nice pipeable consistency. I used 2 tablespoon of milk in this brownie frosting recipe.
  1. Whisk until smooth.
  2. Your brownie frosting is ready. and frost them on your favorite brownies right away.
    Note: It tastes deliecious with these one bowl brownies!

Watch us to make this recipe of brownie frosting

Chocolate Brownie Frosting Recipe

Secret tips to make decadent brownie frosting icing

small pieces are brownies frosted with delicious frosting
Frosted Brownies

Follow my tips below to ensure your chocolate brownie frosting recipe turns out delicious every single time:

High Quality Cocoa Powder – The flavor of this chocolate brownie frosting recipe is completely dependent on the cocoa powder you use. So, make sure you use good high quality cocoa powder. I always use my favorite Hersheys dark cocoa powder. You can also check my brownies recipe made with Hersheys dark cocoa powder.

Sift Cocoa Powder and Icing Sugar – Please make sure to sift cocoa powder and icing sugar as it removes any lumps which makes your brownie frosting smooth and velvety.

Add Milk slowly – Add milk into this frosting a little at a time until you reach the desired consistency. This prevents the frosting from becoming too thin.

Apply Frosting immediately– Once frosting is ready, spread over brownies immediately otherwise crust will form which will make it difficult to spread the frosting.

Apple frosting on cooled brownies– Make sure the brownies are completely cooled down before using frosting. This prevents the frosting from melting and stays on brownies perfectly.

By following these secret tips, you’ll be able to create a delicious chocolate brownie frosting that will take your brownies to the next level!

Brownie frosting recipe – storing and freezing instructions

here are the instructions for storing and freezing the brownies

Brownie frosting recipe – storing instructions

  1. Transfer the brownie frosting to air tight container.
  2. Keep it at room temperature or in refrigerator based on when you are going to use it. At Room Temperature – It stays ok up to 1 week. In Refrigerator – it stays ok up to 2-3 weeks
  3. If you want to store it for long period of time then freezer if your friend :).

Brownie frosting recipe – freezing instructions

  1. You can keep it in air tight container same as refrigerator or you can keep it in freezer friendly zip lock bags.
  2. If you are storing in zip lock then make sure to remove excess air.
  3. It can stay in freezer up to 3 months.
  4. Just thaw it overnight in refrigerator and give it a good stir to bring back it’s creamy consistency.
Sr. No.StoringWeeks/Months
1Room Temperature1 week
2Refrigerator2-3 Weeks
3Freezer3 Months
Storing and Freezing Period For Brownie Frosting

Chocolate brownie frosting recipe – FAQ’s

2 brownie pieces frosted with chocolate frosted are stacked
Stacked Frosted Brownies

Can I use unsweetened cocoa powder for the frosting?

Yes, absolutely. Infact, this recipe uses hersheys unsweetened dark cocoa powder.

How can I make my frosting thicker or thinner?

If your frosting is thick, add milk gradually so that you can reach you desired consistency. If it becomes thin, you can add little powdered sugar at a time.

Can I substitute butter with margarine or any other fat?

Yes you can replace it with margarine but not oil. There will be slight change in flavor though.

How long will the frosting last and how should it be stored?

it stays ok at room temperature for a week, 3-4 weeks in refrigerator and for months in freezer. But it tastes best when it is made freshly and this brownie frosting recipe comes together in just 3-4 minutes.

Can I make the frosting in advance and freeze it?

Absolutely, please refer my storing and freezing instructions above.

Can I use this frosting recipe for other desserts?

Yes, you can use over over sheet cakes or cupcakes or cakes.

Should brownies be completely cooled down before frosting?

Yes. If brownies are hot, then frosting will melt and doesn’t stay on. So, please make sure to cool down the brownies completely.

Can I double or halve the frosting recipe for bigger batch of brownies?

Absolutely, this recipe can be easily doubled or halved without any issue.

Can I add flavorings to the frosting for extra flavor?

Yes, you can. I have tried adding vanilla extract, instant coffee and it will definitely enhances the frosting flavor.


Over to you 🙂 Please make this chocolate brownie frosting recipe and let me know how this turns out for you in the comments! I really love hearing from you, and your feedback is very much important to me.

If you post the chocolate brownie frosting recipe to Instagram, do not forget to tag me. Tag @DessertKatta or Hashtag it #DessertKatta

Recipe card

Chocolate Brownie Frosting Recipe (only 5 ingredients)

Difficulty: Beginner Prep Time 2 mins Cook Time 3 mins Total Time 5 mins
Servings: 6
Best Season: Suitable throughout the year



  1. In a large microwavable safe bowl, add unsalted butter.

  2. Melt the butter in microwave with 10 seconds interval at a time until fully melted.

  3. Sift in cocoa powder. I always sift coco powder to remove any lumps from it may have.

  4. Now add icing sugar and sift it to remove any lumps. This will make the mixing process easy.

  5. Start mixing using whisk.

  6. Add a tablespoon of milk and mix again. Repeat this until you get nice pipeable consistency. I used 2 tablespoon of milk in this brownie frosting recipe.

  7. Whisk until smooth.

  8. Your brownie frosting is ready. Frost them on your favorite brownies right away.
    Note: It tastes delicious with these one bowl brownies!

Keywords: chocolate brownie frosting recipe, brownie frosting recipe, recipe of chocolate frosting for brownies, dessert katta

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Sayali Bhave

Dessert Lover

Hi, I'm Sayali, a dessert blogger, mother of a handsome son and a lovely wife. I live in Toronto with my family. Loves traveling, sharing new recipes, and spending time with my family and friends.

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